Monday, February 23, 2009

High School Football fundraiser

Maybe someone out there has ideas/suggestions they'd like to share with me on this subject. With the economy in the state it is in now, we the parents, need to step up and do what we can to support our kids school sports programs before they too are eliminated. With three public high schools in our city, there's only so much money allocated to each school to run athletic programs. Let me tell you, that allotment does NOT cover 1/4 of what the costs are for one season. That's where we come in.
I am the president of the booster club for the team in which both my boys play. The club, consisting of parents, meets once a month to discuss, plan and implement fundraising ideas for the upcoming season. In the past, we've had car washes, sold spirit cards, held breakfasts at a local restaurant and sold candy. This year we're trying to get an advertising program in place where local businesses can purchase signs to hang around our football field for the season. We're also trying to coordinate poker tournaments that could possibly be a once a month event to raise money. I'm looking for unique, fun but fairly easy ideas to get people involved and raise enough money to know we'll have safe equipment and enough uniforms/helmets for every child wanting to play.

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